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Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 1:07pm

Lieutenant JG Tyv th'Qarret

Name Tyv th'Qarret

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 11 stone
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tyv is physically and mentally fit, he has a thin and lean build.


Father Than th'Qarret (Thaan), Kin th'Qarret (Chen),
Mother Piria th’Qarret (Shen), Shrile th’Qarret (Zhen)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tyv likes to keep his mind and body in good shape. He likes taking long runs, cycling and swimming along with time in the gym. To keep his mind active he likes to play chess and read engineering tech manuals.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Excellent Tactician
+ Very clever
+ Strong and physically fit

- He sometimes comes across arrogant or cocky
- Doesn't like criticism
Ambitions Tyv hopes to move across to Engineering later in his career as he wants to get involved in Starship design.
Hobbies & Interests Cycling
Playing chess
Reading tech manuals

Personal History Tyv th’Qarret was born on the Andorian homeworld to a very happy bond group. It had taken several attempts for the th’Qarret bond group to conceive but were more than happy when Tyv was born.

Tyv was mainly brought up by his maternal parents Piria and Shrile as his paternal parents served in Starfleet.

When Than and Kin came home they would share stories of their adventures and missions with Tyv.

Hearing the stories as he grew up pushed Tyv to join Starfleet like his paternal parents. He also was fascinated by travelling amongst the stars.

The older he got, the harder he studied with his schooling. He was determined to be the best and the strongest. He joined in many physical sports to help him gain strength and agility.

When he reached 18, he formally applied for Starfleet academy.

Upon joining the academy, Tyv (now known as Ret to his friends) again threw himself into his studies. He excelled at Tactical/Security studies and physical training such as hand to hand combat. He made various different friends during his time there.

He graduated in the top 10% of his academy class and had chosen Security as his chosen field. Rumours were rife around the academy campus with various ships being mentioned for potential deployments like the USS Thelasa-vei or the USS Artemis.

Both were the assignments of choice at the time and most cadets in his year wanted either of them. Ret had the privilege of being assigned to the Artemis, an Galaxy Class starship as a security officer.

After his tour on the Artemis came to an end, Ret was assigned to the USS Tolstoy as a Tactical officer. During his time aboard the Tolstoy he worked hard and diligently, earning himself a promotion to Lieutenant JG, then again a year later to Assistant Chief of Security.

The extra responsibility suited Ret and he excelled at his work. He kept his eye on the weekly ship openings as he wanted to take on the role of Security chief.

When he saw the Chief of Security of the Tsiolkovsky being advertised he applied straight away and was accepted by the new commanding officer.
Service Record 2391 - 2394- Starfleet Academy - Cadet
2394 - 2397 - USS Artemis - Security Officer - Ensign
2397 - 2400 - USS Tolstoy- Tactical Officer - Ensign/Lieutenant JG
2400 - 2401 - USS Tolstoy - Assistant Chief of Security - Lieutenant JG
2401 - Present - USS Tsiolkovsky - Chief of Security - Lieutenant