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Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 2:56pm

Lieutenant Commander Li Arja

Name Li Arja

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 5’3”
Weight 50 kg
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Arja is a slight women who is in excellent physical condition. She works out regularly, yoga and running, to keep herself in the shape she is. She keeps her hair shoulder length. She does wear makeup but keeps it gently applied to only heighten her features fair features.
She has a soft bit surprisingly warm smile that always reaches her eyes, something that she seems to have passed on to her son.


Children Li Jaylan - Son - 17 years old (She was 28 when she had him)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arja has a sharp mind and whit but it is warm and gentle in nature. She is maternal with not only her son but the younger members of her crew. At heart she is a scientist and an explorer but it is mixed with a hearty amount of being family orientated.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is a kind hearted commander, someone who inspires through leading by example.
A strength that could be a weakness at the same time is her maternal approach to her crew. She will fight for them almost to a fault.
She anthropomorphises the ship to a fault. She feels that it has pulled her through many bad situations and has turned down a command of her own to remain on the ship she has felt the most at home on.
Ambitions Her ambition is to command her own science vessel or scientific research outpost but in her own time when she feels ready. Beyond that she wants to make sure her son is successful, generous and a kind person who will eventually settle down and continue on the family line.
Hobbies & Interests Archery, Stellar cartography, Astronomy, Chess.

Arja is an avid follower of the Prophets.