Lieutenant Commander Arjin Saar
Name Arjin Saar
Position Executive Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Trill | |
Age | 42 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'1" | |
Weight | 190lbs | |
Hair Color | Sandy Blond | |
Eye Color | Striking Blue | |
Physical Description | Arjin Saar is a trim individual, athletically inclined with a lean physique. Often sporting a dry expression that seems to lack any humour but this couldn’t be further from the truth. He keeps his hair medium to short in length and wears it in an untidy fashion which seems to only add to his charm and rugged good looks. He keeps his beard groomed and tidy which is also just starting to show signs of grey. His left arm has a full sleeve tattoo as well as a tattoo across his shoulders and down his back that he acquired during his time with Starfleet Intelligence. A Tribal design in hues of Black, Red and Blue for the sleeve tattoo. He chose not to have it removed after the assignment as a reminder of those that were lost after the assignment went south. The one on his back he had done after the mission, a reminder of his partner on the assignment who lost his life, a pair of angel wings in reference to his partners final words “You saved these people, you are their guardian angel”. Arjin also has a prosthetic right leg after he lost it during the Red Lady attack on M’Talas Prime, district Seven before the Frontier Day disaster. |
Spouse | Jaz'dyn Rohn (Wife - Divorced) | |
Children | Ty’zan Rohn - Son - Age 15 – Born on Stardate 63729.7 (24/09/2386) | |
Father | Jazha Rohn – Father – District Govenor for Ulasis City on Trill | |
Mother | Franaz Rohn – Mother – District Security Chief Ulasis City | |
Other Family | Cor'vyn Rohn - Grandfather - Deceased |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Arjin is a gentle soul at heart but dedicated to Starfleet and protecting others. Given his new personality that is emerging after the joining he is able to separate much easier from Duty to Starfleet and to that of his family but his family are unable to reconcile with him as they do not feel that joining is right. It has even impacted his relationship with his son who still lives with him. He finds solice in swimming, gymnastics and Mok’bara as well as singing, something he had not done before being joined along with playing the piano that he had never learnt to play so this is also something that has come from the Symbiont. He has kept the tattoo on his left arm as a reminder of the work he did to save Vashti and the tattoo on his back is a reminder of his good friend Anton who lost his life through that very same assignment. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths - Dedicated, Loyal, duty bound which was to the detriment of his first marriage. Weakness - Has lost himself since the joining to a degree and this is impacting almost all facets of his day to day life including his relationship with his family and more importantly his Son. |
Ambitions | - Life ambition is now to adapt to his new existence as a Joined Trill, find balance between the three distinct personalities residing within his mind, His own, Iy’dan Saar and Keela Saar -Career ambition would be to ascend the ranks through to either command his own Starship or possibly even further and head up Starfleets Intelligence Operations although he still holds Section 31 in disdain for their methods, those that he is aware of. |
Hobbies & Interests | Athletics, Swimming, Mok’bara (Klingon martial arts), Running, Singing and playing Piano (Mostly Earth and Trill power ballads circa 2000’s by Earth Calendar) |
Personal History | Arjin was born on Stardate 306045.5 (17/01/2359 by the Earth Calendar) to Jazha and Franaz Rohn on Trillius Prime, the City of Ulasis. His farther was the district governor for the City while his mother was the Cities Chief Of Security. He was the only child of the pair as two years after his birth his mother was caught in a fire within a Government Building which lead to injured preventing her from having any more children. He grew up in and around the city, the family home was on an estate just outside of the city itself that was nine hectares of land which included swimming pools, tennis courts and many other luxuries which all came due to his Fathers prominent position within Trill society. He grew up with everything he could want or need which in many ways turned him into something of a brat. Because of this he found it difficult making friends and the few friends he did have were of a similar disposition as himself. His school work suffered as a result but his sporting endeavors however were a different matter. Most Trill sports he was more than adept at and he even turned his sights on Human sports such as Gymnastics, Diving and he even started to pick up the Klingon Martial Arts of Mok’Bara. During these years the Dominion War took place and security on the streets became a common place sight. He had developed a strong relationship with his grandfather through his childhood years and on his death bed when Arjin was 13 years old, his grandfather pleaded with him to straighten out his life, commit to something and focus on his studies to make something of himself but not to be joined, an opinion both his parents shared. It took him a year but he did get himself on track. His grades improved considerably and by the time he turned 18 he had clawed his way up to be a capable academic student. He had even made some friends along the way and a close relationship with Jaz’dyn Maris and on Stardate 54603.7 (09/08/2377) both he and Jaz’dyn joined Starfleet Academy. He found that with his sporting background he excelled in the Security division training portions of his time at the Academy leading him to focus on Security and Tactical area’s. His time at the Academy was unremarkable, he did his training cruise aboard the USS Constellation which only affirmed his aptitude within the Security divisions and this decided his career within Starfleet going forward. On Stardate 58453.0 (15/06/2381) he graduated and was assigned to his first Deep Space assignment. |
Service Record | His first assignment was on a science vessel tasked with exploring the fringe of known space. The assignment lasted a little over a year and a half with him acting as a Junior Security and Tactical Officer. It was a small Nova Class Starship, limited security crew on board as the crew was only fifty strong. Security were the smallest of all the teams on board as most of the facilities were turned over to scientific and biological sciences. They had one first contact situation in this time but he was not involved in any of the contact moments. His next assignment lasted six months and found himself back on Trill for a time acting as part of the security liaison teams acting in support of the planetary Security and Police forces. It was during this time that he married his long term partner Jaz’dyn on stardate 59264.3 (07/04/2382). His next assignment was on Starbase 169. This assignment included working with Starfleet Intelligence in a peripheral manner. During this time Admiral Picard had started to organise a rescue effort for the Romulas system but it was thwarted by the Synth attack on Mars which destroyed not only Mars surface and infrastructure but also the very same rescue fleet. He was recalled for a time to support with search and rescue duties on mars. Over 3000 lost their lives. He was glad to return to Starbase 169 and continue his work with SI but found that what he started to learn about the SI division was appealing. This assignment lasted until Stardate 62592.8 (05/08/2385) when he was then formally transferred to SI after his contact, Lieutenant Sonya Ramiraz had suggested he be offered a position. His promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade was a profound moment for him along with his move to Vulcan into the Starfleet intelligence Bureau in the capitol city. His wife was also able to join him as they had a lavish apartment in the capitol city. It was soon after this that they found Jaz’dyn was pregnant, their son being born approximately ten months later on Stardate 63729.7 (24/09/2386) It was the following year that the Hobus Supernova event finally took place, millions of Romulan lives were lost and by this time Admiral Picard has retired from Starfleet in protest of the synth ban and refusal to intervene to save the lives of the Romulan civilian population still stranded on Romulas and Remus. In 2388 he finally was assigned to his first SI case as a solo agent. It was a run of the mill assignment that took a little over a year to complete and required some under cover work where he was posing as an Orion exotic dancer on a frozen world on the edge of Klingon space. He was instrumental in preventing an attack against a Romulan refugee colony by a faction of species that had been subjugated by the Romulan Star Empire when it still dominated that area of space. On Stardate 66294.1 (18/04/2389) he was promoted, this time to full Lieutenant and was assigned a partner, Lieutenant JG Anton Vasquez. The pair was tasked with Infiltrating a Tal Shiar operation that had been leaked to SI but this would be a long term operation as they had to build trust with the Tal Shiar before they could move about freely to understand their motivations. The pair remained in this assignment for a total of 4 years unbroken cover. It was in this time that Jaz’dyn, his wife, left him as she had found his commitment to work far exceeded his desire to be with his family. The assignment took a turn on Stardate 70565.9 (26/07/2393) when the pair uncovered the Tal Shiars plans to massacre the planet of Vashti within Federation space. Vashti was a colony of Romulan Refugee’s that Admiral Picard has supported in founding before the synth attack on Mars. Arjin and Anton uncovered the plans to use a refugee ship as a delivery method for a transphasic bomb large enough to crack the mantel of the planet. The infiltrated the refugee ship, found the bomb and diffused it but not before the Tal Shiar were made aware of the presence. A fire fight ensued and Anton lost his life but not before the refugees on the ship and the planets population had been saved by the pair. Anton was honored posthumously after his death and Arjin was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander on Stardate 70833.9 (01/11/2393) and transferred to the recruitment center on M’Talas Prime back within the Starfleet Security division as his face would be to well known now to be useful within SI. This transfer did not prevent SI from still utilizing him, he was just no longer on active SI assignments. It was during this time that his Son moved to live with him on M’Talas Prime. The next two years were fairly run of the mill support Starfleet with less critical SI tasks and helping to promote recruitment to Starfleet. It was a few days before Frontier Day that SI contacted him ordering him to meet an SI under cover operative names Iy’dan Saar who had critical information about some form of pending attack and they needed him escorting safely back into Starfleet hands. On Stardate 78272.7 (10/04/2401) he had agreed to meet Iy’dan outside of the recruitment center on M’Talas Prime. It was on this fateful day that the recruitment center was attacked and destroyed. Arjin lost his right leg, Iy’dan lost his life. In a bid to save the information that Starfleet deemed so critical he chose to become the host to the Saar Symbiont that Iy’dan had been carrying. Sadly his recovery after the attack on the red lady statue placed him out of action during the attack he had been attempting to prevent, even if he had not known that at the time. On stardate 78280.8 (16/04/2401) the frontier day disaster took place, Earth Space dock was also destroyed and a good portion of the fleet was rendered inoperable. During his convalescence, and the guilt for having not been able to prevent the attack on Earth, he found he was now host to a Symbiont that he had never really wanted and because of Trill physiology he was now stuck with the Symbiont. He has also found that the Symbiont previous hosts were far more prevelant than he would have ever thought and as he lacked any of the training the usual candidates would have had he has been somewhat flooded by the two previous hosts, Iy’dan and Lenara. After spending some time with the only other Trill in the fleet that has had any similar experience (Captain Ezri Dax) he has been deemed fit for duty on the provision that he continues his counseling. On Stardate 78741.2 (28/09/2401) he was assigned to the USS Tsiolkovsky as First Officer given his rank and previous achievements. Arjin also knew that the Captain was more than experienced and should he have trouble integrating given his tenuous relationship with the Symbiont and previous hosts that Tsiolkovsky would be a safe space for him to once again begin to find himself. |