

Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 1:41pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Location: Unknown SoNa vessel
Timeline: 3 Months ago


"What's that quaint Earth nursery rhyme... And as you only have three left" Arjyn whispered to the three remaining toes as she pointed the curved knife with a serrated edge at each one in turn.

"Ah, thats it... Three little pigs. The wolf huffed, and he puffed and he chopped his head off!" she said gleefully as she gripped the middle of the three remaining toes and cut through the bone with ease, his screams of anguish echoing from the hollow room she had his tied up in, two other bodies laying in the corner of the room, no longer moving.

"Oh, scream all you like, no one can hear you which means I can get you back for destroying my lovely ship!"

She stood and circled around him slowly. "You and your kind killed my brother, stopped our plans for seizing Ba'ku for our own and I simply enjoy torturing" the last statement said almost whimsically. "I like the colour of Betazoid blood!"

"Touchee. You destroyed the Drommie. Given up on the command codes then. Its just sadistic sexual fantasies now bitch?" he said forcing a smile thorough the pain. "Oh I'm a empath. I know you would "love" me to make you scream. Your feelings betray you.

He knew the official guidance on hostage situations was not to provoke them but he was fairly certain help was on route now. And well toes grew back. If she did kill him, he would go with the goddesses. It was win win really.

She laughed, musical notes that danced of the cavern walls creating echoes of the same gentle mirth as if many people were all laughing at the same joke. "Oh you do make me laugh".

She stalked towards him, smoothing down her tunic and smearing more of his blood into the soft pink fabric as she did before taking his chin in her thumb and forefinger to raise his gaze her her as she knelt down infront of him. "Come now Captain... Why oh why would I need the command codes from your dead starship when I could have the most up to date deployment data that my Romulans friends can get their hands on... You see, they need it so they can lay their plan in motion to take that Cardassian monstrosity from the Federation... It has far more secrets hidden in his hallways than you or I or that Betazoid Admiral could ever even conceive of".

"Its your Romulan friends who are trying to do something with my command codes," he cocked his head. Clearly she was insane. He had not imagined the numerous times a Romulan had been stood in the corner while other ugly So'Na had tried technique after technique on him.

"Do not waste your time on Romulans Jonathan Reynolds,"

There was a white flash Jon knowing how had appeared before he set eyes on her beauty. It was about time one of "them" showed up.

"Why is this one so ugly?" Methalina asked confused. She circled the alien slowly.

"That one is my champion. Find your own,"

The shackles around Jon clicked open and he found himself slumping down towards the floor and his disconnected toes.

Arjun flung herself wildly at the new arrival, snatching a serrated blade from the table as she went slashing frantically at this Methalina.

"Ugly you say... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I will be plucking your eyes from your head" her tone almost sing song in counter point to her frantic motions.

The blade plunged into what seemed like a ghost doing no damage at all. Methalina cocked her head as the being in front of her was doing a double take attempting once more to plunge the object into her. She let her wildly keep going until she realised it was pointless.

Eventually the goddess reached out and pushed it slightly this time her finger materialising real enough to push it back in one move. "Crude," she commented and decided to make the dagger get really hot so the being had no option but to drop it.

"Is she not as advanced a civilisation as the Betaziods?" she asked the blade starting to smoke now. "She acts like a child."

Despite being weak and every part of him hurting Jon couldn't help a chuckle. That then turned into a bigger smile. He could sense his twin and the feeling was getting bigger.

This incensed Arjyn even more and she lunged at the ethereal being, fingers trying but failing to wrap around her throat, wanting to squeeze the life from her. Instead she had over balanced and landed on her palms as the being known as Methalina seemed to vanished before her and reappear a few steps away.

"Perhaps she is so angry because she is so ugly?" Methalina said. "Here let me cure your affliction child," the goddess said stepping forward and touching her head. A warm glow of gold energy passed from her to the alien.

An alarm started bleeping and Jon managed to translate just enough Cardassian to understand that someone had tried to initiate communications numerous time and had now beamed into the area. Then he sensed Liam completely. And a few others. The rescue was here.

"Well you do look better now," Jon said. The S'oNa cured of her species fate away from Ba'ku was certainly different.

Arjyn was caught off guard as her long blond ringlets cascaded down around her ears and brushed her shoulders. Her skin no longer felt taught and fragile but instead supple. She caught her reflection in a console screen... She was herself again and not the grotesquery the lack of metaphasic radiation had turned her into. She was mesmerised but more importantly she was distracted.

Jon pulled himself up with difficultly. He was missing ... well he had no idea how many toes. Making her beautiful didn't allude from the fact she was a psycho bitch he thought angrily. Shooting sounds were heard outside. And Jon could telepathically hear Liam tell him he would be okay in a minute.




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