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Back in the saddle again

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Jayden McVey

1,457 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Location: Starbase 21
Timeline: Pre-MD1


Jon had spent far too long on this station. Yes he was all healed. Well physically. Mentally as Liam kept telling him would be an ongoing situation. Yet he was cleared to continue being an officer in star fleet.

He had enjoyed the time getting to see his brother and nephew. His stepsister and her husband and kids. Niska. Even his mothers flying visit. He had enjoyed seeing Leena again, although that had been awkward his mother working out who she was. Now she was gone if he was to be stuck station bound perhaps they could reconnect further ...... But the reality was both him and Eddie were itching for a new assignment.

It felt like a life time waiting for orders. Both him and Eddie had been helping Teena in her shop. In the background creating stock when finally he received a communique.

"Jon" came the soft voice of Admiral Haistro calling from the other room. "I'm sorry to barge in... Do you have a moment?"

"For you anytime Admiral," he smiled. "I remember when you were just a Captain. It suits you."

"This is still my first command though" she said, indicating the station that had once been her sons. A wave of emotion as she got a mental image of Keiben, his rugged good looks, his warm smile... She pushed it away. Now wasn't the time although she could already see from Jon's expression he had seen it also. The joy of being a telepathic race, it was near impossible to keep things private.

"Sorry... Things are still a bit raw but I'm not here about that" she paused as she came around one of the shop displays so stand by him. "Command have asked me to discuss something with you... They and I have to admit I also think this could be good for you if you accept!"

Jon nodded. "You can come into the back of the shop. Eddie and I have finished the majority of the labour. In fact Eddie perhaps you and Teena should go for a milkshake or something?"

"Yes," a younger blond woman said with a smile. "Its almost closing time anyway. Come on Eddie," she grabbed the teen and pressed a button to turn off the open sign and dim the shutters. "Admiral while your here do take some of my testers," she smiled at her as they walked out leaving them alone.

"I don't mind if I do... Thank you", the Admiral said with a smile already eyeing up the scents. She waited for Teena and Eddie to move away enough before she caught his arm in her right hand gently, almost intimately. "Starfleet want you back in the centre seat Jonny... I want you there as well. You will be under my general command and I honestly think it would be good for you given what you have been through. You need to climb right back on that horse!"

Jon's eyes closed involuntarily when she put her hand on his arm. Nobody else had ever called him Jonny and memories of other times touching a decade or so a go flooded him and he knew he couldn't hide it from her both being telepathic. He swallowed, but didn't move his arm then nodded trying to focus back on what she was saying. He then tried to force thoughts away. She was after all grieving and didn't need any additional chaos.

"I would be a fool to turn down another shot at captaining a ship and for an Admiral as competent as you,"

He almost said "competent and beautiful" but stopped himself. He had sworn off woman presently having been kicked down by both his relationships with True and Harper. And thoughts about how beautiful your now to be boss and ex lover was, were dangerous. It could make things messy.

"More so to give up the chance of being assigned to the star base where my twin and other family are located. I would be part of your stations fleet?" he asked.

"You would" her cheeks flushing slightly as she picked up on his errant thoughts, the attraction he seemed to still harbour towards her. Her own thoughts went back to the final night they had spent together... Lustful was the only word she could apply to it followed by hurt. He had chosen to leave her and return to his own young family. It had stung but she had vowed she would not be drawn in by him again and yet here she was, feeling a similar level of attraction and wishing she and he were not telepathic.

"You would. Captain Jones, Yourself and five others not counting Cerberus. The USS Tsiolkovsky, Luna Class, is enroute with a skeleton crew. She will be refit and brought up to date with the latest technology over the next month or so".

"I accept the assignment," Jon said simply. "Another month though. What can I do with myself? I can't help make perfume and soaps for another month. Admiral .... Leena .... you have to put me to work. Please. Something .... " He had somehow turned towards her and they were much closer than he anticipated. "Anything," he finished.

"The only work you have is to spend time with the station Counsellor. You've been through a lot. Loosing friends, crew, your ship and then tortured... Its not a request Captain" putting on her formal hat as his Commanding Officer, the first time she had given a direct order... It felt uncomfortable but she also knew it would be necessary.

"I am familiar to when you have a request Admiral," Jon said the annoyance at the order evident in his face even if they weren't telepaths. He mirrored her formality. Evidently he wasn't "Jonny" in this conversation any more. That was more disappointing than he anticipated.

"I will make the necessary appointment of course. Although my brother is a qualified counsellor. I'm sure a well placed camping trip would help in that area immensely. And I do have all my body bits back now. No issues," he protested lightly least she decide to send him to the CMO as well.

"You know Starfleet Medical frowns of family treating family... Don't make this more awkward than it already is for me. You know better than anyone that giving orders isn't my strong suit." so admitted openly knowing he would remember when they were both Lieutenant Commanders serving on the same ship and she had landed the big chair at a crucial moment. She was just thankful he had been there to bail her out.

"I just said I would make the necessary appointment," Jon said softer. "Leena ....." he said not entirely sure how many times he had, had to say this to her, "Giving orders - it just comes with embracing your confidence and trusting in yourself. I know you can do it. You know deep down you can do it. And the fleet does too or you would not be stood before me an Admiral now.

And besides, facing off to a whacko bat shit crazy version of yourself from another reality holding our Captain hostage was not the ideal first go at command was it? It knocked you for six and I think you just keep drifting back to that experience. Forget her. She's gone, banished back to whatever hell like reality she came from. You saved the day and got Hawks back. That's all that mattered.

And," he smiled wickedly, "I notice you never had any issues giving orders when it was just the two of us in ether of our quarters,"

Her cheeks flushed but she just as quickly ramped up her shields. She would not allow herself to be pulled back in, not this time. She stood, clasping her hands before her defensively.

"Well then Captain. I will leave you in peace. When we have sight on Tsiolkovsky you will be informed!"

Jon gently put his hand on her shoulder stopping her before she could run. He lent down and kissed her cheek. He hadn't really said this. Everything had been a blur and happened so fast.

"Thank you Leena for rescuing me. Don't forget your samples," he added letting her go. "And you must come see the Tsiolkovsky before we disembark."

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away" the old Earth phrase was one she seemed to have adopted over the years but even now it made little sense to her. Why would undomesticated Earth Equine prevent her from visiting Tsiolkovsky when their was no Horse or similar equine genus lifeforms even close to the station.

"I'll leave you to rest".


Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Tsiolkovsky

Admiral Leena Haistro
NPC Lt. Cmdr Li Arja


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