Taking a tour - Security
Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 1:07pm by Lieutenant JG Tyv th'Qarret & Captain Jonathan Reynolds
956 words; about a 5 minute read
Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Location: Security
Timeline: MD1
"Captain on deck," a startled Ensign said suddenly spotting Jon.
"At ease Ensign. Relax before you sprain something. Where is your boss?" Jon asked.
He knew he was likely to report in officially to the bridge but Jon was getting the lay of the land on his new ship and well security was his old stomping grounds. He had found himself here.
"In his office sir, I mean Captain. Captain Sir,"
Jon shook his head sensing the nervousness flowing off the younger man. "Ok take me to him."
The part betaziod was happy when they got there and the nervous ensign skedaddled.
"Chief th'Qarret," he said having practiced the Andorran name a couple of times. "Do you have a minute?"
"Of course, Captain." Ret said with a nod as he signed off his console and moved in the Captain's direction.
"I was just taking a walk, getting my bearings and thought I'd drop in. We haven't officially met yet and well security was where I started out," Jon said letting himself reminisce briefly. "So ought interesting going down?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain. Lieutenant th'Qarret." He replied with a respectful nod of his head. "However, I understand my name can be...difficult for others to pronounce so I've been called Ret on my previous assignments."
"As for security, everything is as quiet as you'd expect. All of my team has reported on board and have been given their assignments and duty rotations."
"That's good to hear, Lieutenant Ret," Jon said. Yes that was a lot easier. "How about a tour?"
"Of security or the entire ship, sir?" Ret asked, a little confused.
"Security will do just fine," Jon said somewhat amused. "Like I said security was my old stomping grounds. Still have a soft spot for it."
Relief washed over the Andorian. He was more than capable of giving a basic tour to anyone who needed it, he wasn't sure if he was able to give the Captain a detailed tour of the entire ship "Of course, Captain, shall we head down to the security office?"
"Lead on Lieutenant," Jon said. He was happy to reminisce over his past profession. "How long have you worked in security?" he asked.
Ret nodded and headed towards the nearest turbolift. After the Captain had entered, the Security officer instructed the lift to take them to the Security office. "My whole career." He finally answered. "This is my first posting as a Security Chief, I'm looking forward to the challenge on such a ship like this. Was you in Security all of your career, sir?"
"Up until I did the command course and got offered XO on another ship. I wasn't security chief very long. How often do you run drills?" He asked. "I was mean. I used to schedule them early doors."
"I tend to randomise drills. You can't schedule things happening on board a starship. I like my teams to be sharp and know exactly what they're doing." Ret replied proudly.
"Indeed, however in my eyes scheduling early ensures that the team is used to having to focus and be sharp quickly and fight off fatigue conditions," Jon said. "Of course not every drill was early. We have to keep people on their toes. Ahh your office," he said as they stepped out of the turbolift. "Is it up to scratch?"
"With all due respect, Captain, I can see your point of view but I don't necessarily agree with it. My teams need to be able to function in any set of conditions including fatigue." Tyv explained. His tone was neutral and respectful. "The office and other security amenities are up to scratch. This class of ship seems to have been built with every department in mind."
"When I ran security before taking up command I did it my way. You don't have to always agree with me. You run your department how you see fit," Jon reassured the man. "And yes its an excellent build. How's the brig? Can we see that next?"
Tyv gave an appreciative nod to the Captains comment about doing things his way. "Thank you, Captain." He said. "Of course, if you'd like to follow me to the detention area." He added before heading towards an other door.
"Lead on," Jon said happily. "How many can it house?" he asked.
Tyv headed through the side door of his office and along a corridor which had numerous security related rooms leading off of it. The door at the end of the corridor label 'Brig' swished open. "This is the brig, Captain. All with the latest technologies, anti transporter shielding and has its own power supply if the main systems go down."
"Always a good thing," Jon said. "And I like how its not got a Jefferies tube within range anywhere. What about the gym? And weapons storage? Evidence room?"
"A flaw on previous designs which has been rectified." Tyv replied with an approving look as he glanced around the impressive state of the art prison. "Those are down the corridor we've just come. Please feel free to explore, sir."
"Oh for certain," Jon said. His security chief seemed to not want to show him round. "I'll leave you to things then. Heads up I will be running our first Senior staff meeting in the morning."
"Are you sure, Captain? You don't need me to show you around a security department if that was your field. Happy for you to explore the ships security department for yourself." Tyv said with an approving nod.
"Captain to the bridge," his comm. badge suddenly chirped. "Another time perhaps. Duty calls."
Captain Jon Reynolds
CO, USS Tsiolkovsky
Lieutenant Tyv th'Qarret
Chief of Security
USS Tsiolkovsky