Unus Fit Multi
Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2025 @ 8:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Arjin Saar & Lieutenant Sekat & Ty'Zan Rohn
1,925 words; about a 10 minute read
Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Location: M'Talas Prime - Rohn Residence - District 4
The day had started like many others, bird song, sun light breaking through the blinds gently waking him from his slumber. The sound of the market a little further down the street, traders setting up their stalls to begin the days trading. In many ways M’Talas Prime was very much like his own homeworld, it seemed to be a running theme with almost all planets.
He stretched, starting from his toes right up his entire frame, his back popping as he did before pulling away the white sheets and swinging his legs out of the bed. He could feel a gentle crisp breeze cutting through the open terrace door, the evening previous had been warm, too warm to sleep so he had left the doors open. He could already tell the day would be another warm one, part of the joy of living around the equatorial region of the planet, but right now the crisp air was causing his exposed flesh to goosebump so he stood and closed the doors before retreating to the shower.
The water was warm and he could feeling it waking him up, sharpening his sleep haze into the focus he would need for the day. He was due to meet a Starfleet Captain to gather intelligence relating to some form of suspected attack that was planned for somewhere in Federation Space and with Frontier Day pending and the celebrations planned, he had started to think it could be planned for Earth Space but he would need to review what his fellow Trill had uncovered.
Before long he was out of the shower and moving back towards his bedroom, knocking on another door as he went.
“Ty, time to get up. I’ll walk you to school”
An unintelligible grunt could be heard from the other side of the door.
“Don’t make me come in there”
He continued back into his room, swinging the door so it was almost completely closed while he discarded the towel around his waist and pulled on his uniform. The shoulders a gold colour with the black turtle neck already adorned with his Lieutenant Commander Pips.
Ty'Zan first tried to hide his head under the pillow but ultimately got up anyway. He knew his father would come in and drag him out of bed, if he didn't get up. "It's so warm, I'd rather go to the beach and surf with a few friends. The instructors are all fanning their PADDs all day anyway, it's boring." He rubbed his hair into place after straightening his shirt. "Or...I could come with you? I need to start thinking about what I want to do right?"
"You do but you also need to keep your grades up or you won't be doing anything that you want to do!"
Arjin was emerging from his bedroom, zipping up his uniform tunic as Ty was heading for the bathroom. It had been commented on by so many of their family and friends that the pair looked identical, just with a fifteen year age gap. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Bacon and eggs," the boy called back as he rummaged around in the bathroom. Minutes later, he appeared in a casual shirt and slacks however there was a notable difference to his appearance compared to when he went in. His hair has changed from a sandy blonde to a very visible fluorescent blue.* "and a black coffee."
"Human food again... I'm starting to think your mother and I brought home the wrong child when you were born. If it wasn't for the spots that is!" Arjin joked as he jostled his sons already unruly hair, choosing to disregard the blue it now was. "Be down stairs in five"
Half an hour later
It was still a bright and sunny day and the temperature had started to climb to a more acceptable level, it may even be the first warm spring days of the year. He could see the recruitment centre ahead, a large circular buildings with a scaffolding just infront of it covering the new statue of Captain Rachel Garrett. As to why they had decided to place her statue here confused him as the women in her time had never even visited M'Talas Prime, still it was a great way of attracting people in given the building was flagged by one of Starfleet's most legendary Captains.
"I'll be out of work around mid-afternoon. I'll wait for you at the cafe and from there we can go to the beach if you want so you can get some surfing in?"
"Sure." He was happy for his father to spend time. "Surely you're going to join me in the water then?" He had picked up surfing when he was a little boy, greatly enjoying the battle with the waves. He had, however, no intention of attending his classes today, and his approach to the dreadful building really was only for show.
"I'm going for the swimming. The surf is all yours" Arjin leaned in and kissed his son paternally on on the forehead which he no longer had to bend down to reach. He had a feeling it would be within the next few years he may even have to start going onto his toes to reach. "And no more arguing with your tutors. I do not want to find I'm being called in for another meeting with your professors... ok?"
As he was speaking he caught sight of a tall Trill sitting on a bench further down the public walkway, almost directly infront of the statue of Rachel Garrett. "Off you go, I need to start work!"
"I wouldn't have to argue with them if they weren't so... So..." Ty gave a frustrated growl. "So one sighted, they won't see another perspective." He rubbed the spot where he'd been kissed. "I'm fifteen dad, please don't kiss me in public it's embarrassing. I'll meet you on the beach later."
"Indulge your old man would you!" Arjin smiled, patting his son on the shoulder. "Go on. I have work to do."
"Sure..." The younger Trill walked off, but he had no intention of attending any of his classes today.
Arjin watched his son begin to walk away before refocusing his attention back to the task at hand, debrief Captain Brell with all due haste and report back to Starfleet Intelligence. The Captain had uncovered some kind of threat to the Federation.
"Captain Brell?" he asked as he approched the other man, appeared to be of a similar age to himself.
"It is. You must be Commander Rohn?"
Arjin started to nod but something caught his attention, a charge in the air like static, a strong smell of ozone like just before a electrical storm.
"Can you feel that?" he asked of Iy'dan but a quick glance at the other Trill was enough to know something was happening behind him. He whipped around quickly believing it to be assailants but what he saw was perplexing. A golden orange haze, like a forcefield seemed to have appeared on the bridge across the lake several steps ahead of them second later the ground seemed to fall away, the recruitment centre falling into the fissure. Arjin had only a fraction of a second to respond as the bridge started to collapse around them. He gripped Iy'dan's shoulder and yanked him to the side back towards land but something had happened. Iy'dan had gone limp and pitched towards him, falling on top of his. A white hot searing pain lanced from his leg but in a stroke of good fortune the portion of the bridge they had been on had not fallen into the lake.
In front of the school
Ty had waited for his father's back to be turned and his attention diverted before walking away from the recruitment center. He had no intention whatsoever to attend class today, none of today's subjects were in his area of interest. He was well away from the building when something compelled him to turn around.
To his right a crackle could be heard as the sky opened and spewed out debris, raining it down on the Starfleet residential sector. Huge chunks of steel and concrete and amidst it all the unmistakable hints of red... a hand, a leg and finally a head as the statue of the red lady, what remained of it, fell to the ground among the remains of the recruitment centre. Screams from the residential area could be heard carried on the breeze... a haunting sound that all to abruptly ended.
The Trill teenager's face went white as he watched the carnage in front of him. He wanted to run back to help but something stopped him, a sense of real danger he had never felt before. Instead, he looked towards the bridge, where he had seen his father head to, then noted the unmistakable absence of said bridge. "Dad!" He screamed, breaking into a run, pushing survivors that headed his way aside, desperate to reach the only family member he had. "Dad!"
Still screaming, the boy reached his father and crouched at his side. "Someone help!" He called out as he first examined his father, then the mostly lifeless other Trill male. "Dad...say something, please...what happened? What's going on?" He examined the other man, gently pushing him off his injured parent. "He needs help...you need help..." The missing limb was worrying and the teenager gagged and felt lightheaded at the sight of so much blood. "What can I do?"
"We need him" Arjins voice was weak, the layer of dust from the crumbled concrete coating his vocal chords and he was cold, possibly from shock. "The Captain... Make sure the starfleet rescue teams save him... Listen to me Ty. His life is more important than mine right now... Do you understand?" he pleaded with his son needing him to understand that the knowledge Captain Brell had would save millions of lives. One man did not tip to balance when the many were at peril. "Do you understand Ty?"
Tears made tracks down the boy's face as he shook his head. "You're all I have, you can't die. I don't know this captain." Of course he didn't understand, how could he? Before him was the only parent he had ever known, where would he go, if his father died? "How can he be more important than you? Not to me he isn't!"
"Do you..." his voice cracked as the pain began to overwhelm the adrenaline that had been coursing through his body. Now he could feel the searing pain, could feel the warmth of his own blood pressing against his skin. He could tell the leg had been severed from the fire in her nerve endings. "Do you remember the lesson about Vulcans and the saying they have. The needs of the many..."
A scream torn from his lips as the other injuries started to assert their presence as well, broken ribs, arm, his other leg. Probably internal bleeding as well given the blood that was seeping from the corner of his mouth. "What he knows is more important than any one of us... Promise me son!" was all he managed before the black haze of blessed unconsciousness took him dulling all of his senses into nothingness.
"Dad!" The boy sobbed, burying his face against his unconscious father's shoulder. He screamed when someone pulled him away . "Save him," he screamed. "You have to save him!"