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Staff briefing - what's the Nen with you?

Posted on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 @ 8:47pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Sekat & Lieutenant Elani th'Anara & Lieutenant JG Tyv th'Qarret & Lieutenant JG Rie Takagi
Edited on on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 @ 9:22pm

2,129 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Location: Observation lounge
Timeline: MD2 09:00


Jon was first in the room, sat at the table supping a cup of tea. Infront of him was a bigger version of the holographic display in his ready room and he had Nen prime up. He was zooming in and looking at the second continent Itte as he waited for all his new senior crew to appear.

Sekat walked in, always recognizable from afar by the alternating pattern of his footsteps and the soft tap of his cane. Short distances, he could do and did do without, but the walk from sickbay was too great a distance. He rested the device against the table near his seat and went to get himself a mug of tea. As he sat, his gaze traveled to the image. "Beautiful area," he commented as he sat.

"Captain, Doctor!" Arja greeted with a smile as she entered the room nursing a PADD in her right hand that was carrying a significant amount of metaphorical weight for her future. "I see the holographic displays have finally been repaired?"

"I'm quite enjoying having these," Jon said. "I like this feature too," he pinched his fingers and the land mass grew bigger them effectively zooming in looking at the environment. "Is the ambassador settled? Will he be joining us?"

"He will be here presently sir" Arja offered making sure she dropped down into a chair between the Captain and Doctor, not wanting to give the ambassador the opportunity to sit close to her. The mere though of it made her skin crawl.
<'>What were you thinking when you married him?' popped into her mind but her answer was cut short by the arrival of another.

Elani arrived later than she’d wanted to, but she had been held up welcoming the last people of her team that had come on board and finishing the last of the “paperwork” on proposals for future projects. “Ambassador, sir?” She briefly looked at everyone at the large table, acknowledging their presence.

"Yes. We have a guest who we are transporting over to Nen. They have requested a Federation Ambassador. The Commander has kindly got the man settled in," Jon explained. He wondered how that reunion had gone. Going by his number one ensuring no one else could sit next to her, he assumed not well.

"Do we know if any other...powers have expressed interest in this planet?" Sekat queried, "why a federation ambassador, specifically?"

Ret walked through the door and gave a small grimace at his tardiness. "My apologies." He said quietly as he took a seat at the table and activated his padd to make notes.

Jon nodded at Ret and then turned his attention to his CMO. "That we don't know currently. Perhaps theres been a dispute and they want a third party? Maybe the ambassador knows anything further. "Where is he?" he asked looking at his number one.

"Settling into his quarters sir!" Arja added quickly.

The doors once again parted and in walked the ships chief Engineer, Rie Takagi. "Apologies, it's a fair distance from down below," she said with a smile quickly helping herself to an empty seat.

“So, we’re all waiting for the ambassador? There’s no more information other then we need to bring the ambassador over to Nen?” Elani couldn’t help but feeling a bit impatient. One should be on time for a senior staff meeting, ambassador or not.

Arja fiddled with the PADD in her hands, having been handed it by the Ambassador not moments before. No sooner had she been promoted to first officer of the Tsiolkovsky and already she has found she will be reassigned once again. She had to break the news to Captain Reynolds but it could wait until the meeting ended.

"Ahhh ambassador I assume," Jon said standing up when a Bajoran man appeared. He looked a weedy little fellow. Looking back at his number one again he wondered how they had ended up married.

Gary strode into the room with a barely contained air of superiority. "Indeed, Captain," he said with a thin smile, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of disdain and impatience. "I trust you're prepared to discuss the matters at hand without unnecessary delay? My time is far too valuable for idle chit-chat."

Sekat glanced at the Ambassador, a frown forming on his face as he studied the man. "And our lives are likely more valuable than your time ambassador," he finally spoke, schooling his expression back into a neutral one, trying to match the Bajoran's haughty voice with one of his own. It was difficult, and it didn't feel right but he knew Vulcans could often be perceived as haughty as well. "Safety comes first."

"That's quite enough," Jon said sharply. "The discussion will take as long as it takes Ambassador so sit down and no ones life is more valuable than anybody else's in this room Lieutenant. We have been asked to transport you Ambassador to Nen Prime.

The planet only has 2 continents," Jon indicated his holo display.

"That is Itte and the other one is Ecze. Ecze has more success with food and crop growing and Itte has more natural materials. I'm not a geologist but I do know thats rather odd and rare. I know I've never seen a planet like that. We have had people in the planet studying this phenomena and I believe there has been some talk at starting to terraform it for the last 30 years.

As I understand things one of the Scientists has gone missing and tensions have risen each continent blaming the other. They have very different cultures and have a history of clashing. So you Ambassador are required to calm things and all of us need to find out more with the hope we can locate this missing scientist."

"Do you have any further information?" he directed his question at the Ambassador.

The ambassador narrowed his eyes at Sekat's remark but chose not to respond directly, settling instead into a chair with a slow, deliberate movement, as if to demonstrate that he was not easily rattled. His expression, however, remained one of faint disdain as he turned his attention back to Captain Reynolds.

"I see the Federation's penchant for over-explaining remains intact," he said, waving a hand dismissively at the holo display. "As for further information, Captain, I would think it's apparent that the politics on Nen Prime are delicate. The scientific communities there are little more than pawns in a larger struggle for power between the two continents. The idea that one scientist's disappearance could destabilize an entire planet speaks volumes about the fragility of their society. Frankly, it's no wonder they're turning to me for assistance."

He paused, arching a brow. "What you need to understand is that this is not just about a missing scientist. Itte and Ecze are on the brink of war, and if we're not careful, any misstep in this delicate situation could accelerate that." He leaned back, crossing his arms. "So yes, I will calm them, but do not expect it to be simple. I suggest you and your crew be prepared for the worst."

"How are the scientists pawns, and why does one disappearance destabilise the whole planet?" Sekat asked, "is the group a mix of people from both continents? And on which continent does the science community reside? Assuming it is one specific colony and not multiple."

Ambassador Li Gary sighed, visibly irritated. “The scientists are from both continents, making their presence political. The colony is in a neutral zone between Itte and Ecze. The missing scientist is from Ecze, so Itte is under suspicion, which strains the already fragile peace. His disappearance is more than an isolated incident—it threatens to unravel the delicate balance between them. Does that suffice, Doctor?”

The Vulcan narrowed his eyes at the Bajoran diplomat. "How does a combined group of people, with a common interest become political," he bounced back, "and if this is more than an isolated incident, does that mean more scientists have disappeared? All from Eczema, or from Itte as well?"

"Or Are they our scientists?" Jon asked. "The ones that have been helping them for the last couple of decades?"

Ambassador Li Gary’s jaw tightened. “Everything on Nen Prime is political, Doctor. Even a ‘common interest’ like science becomes leverage for power when trust between continents is non-existent. As for your questions—no, this is the first disappearance. But with tensions this high, it’s enough to ignite conflict. And yes, Captain, the missing scientist is one of ours—a Federation scientist working alongside their teams.”

"Interesting," Jon said. Although if he was honest he was not surprised. The mystery however deepened.

"So then we arrive when? a couple of days I believe. "Lieutenants th'Anara and Takagi, read up on as much as we have as to what our scientists set in place. Lets get an understanding for the background.

“We’ll get to work right away, Captain.” Elina said and looked at Takagi to confirm they were on the same page.

Rie nodded in response. She made a quick note on her PADD to add the extra assignment to her schedule.

"Ambassador I would appreciate a dossier from yourself as to these "Politics" so that when we beam down there as an away team we are clued up and do not inadvertently make your job any harder. If you can get a name or file on which of our scientists are missing that would be helpful too.

The ambassador inclined his head, his expression briefly flickering with irritation before settling into a forced smile. “Very well, Captain,” he replied crisply. “I’ll provide the necessary dossier and the file on the missing scientist—though I should hope your team exercises discretion. The situation is… volatile.”

He paused, scrutinizing the captain. “Just bear in mind, reading about these politics and navigating them in real time are quite different. I’ll provide what context I can, though the challenges on Nen Prime often defy preparation.”

"Thank you. Ensure we are firmly briefed on these "challenges," Jon nodded at the man.

"Doctor," he turned to the Vulcan medic. "Do we require any shots or anything to beam down to the planet?"

Sekat nodded. "Yes, that would be recommended," he answered, "and I would like to have a list of local ailments that our crew may come into contact with, as well as how to cure them."

Li Gary raised an eyebrow when hearing the request. “I suggest you consult the planetary medical database for such details, Doctor. I am not a physician, nor am I here to inventory diseases. However, I can request that local authorities provide the information you need.”

"No one is asking you to inventory diseases. Doctor do what you must to find out as much as you can," Jon said.

Security liase with our Ambassador once his dossier is out and we have all had time to absorb the information. Are there any further questions or thoughts on the mission?" Jon asked everyone.

Sekat nodded, his eyes never leaving the ambassador. "I require a visit to each party's medical facility to speak with their medical liaison. The medical field always has a common goal, to keep everyone safe. I suspect despite them being nearly at each other's throats, it will be safe for them to meet with me in neutral ground "

Ambassador Li Gary’s expression flickered with a mix of disbelief and annoyance at Sekat’s request. “Neutral ground, Doctor?” he echoed, his voice cool but edged with an unspoken challenge. “While I understand your… diplomatic instincts, I must remind you that the concept of ‘neutral ground’ is a luxury not easily afforded on Nen Prime. These two continents barely tolerate each other. You can hardly expect them to set aside their differences simply because a Federation doctor asks it.”

He paused, eyeing Sekat. “However, if you wish to try, I will make the necessary arrangements. But be warned: any misstep in handling their delicate balance could result in more than just medical complications.”

"I'm willing to take that risk," Jon said simply. "Do what you think best Doctor."

"I will meet them on neutral ground, and speak with them," Sekat stated neutrally, "and we will see what happens."

"Right then," Jon said standing up. He could see that there was no love lost between his doc and this ambassador, "Meeting adjoined. I have other business to attend too and I'm sure you all do too before we hit Nen space."


Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Tsiolkovsky

Lieutenant Sekat

Lieutenant Elani th’Anara
CSO, USS Tsiolkovsky

Ambassador Li Gary
NPC (Elani)

Lieutenant Tyv th'Qarret


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