Welcome to the USS Tsiolkovsky!

Welcome to the USS Tsiolkovsky. We are a Luna class ship under the command of Captain Jonathan Reynolds currently exploring beyond the Briar patch into uncharted territory in the Beta Quadrant.

The ship is currently assigned to Federation Star base 21/Styx Station within the 16th Fleet.

The year is 2401 and along the USS Merlin, the ship is the only real presence additional to the growing station as Federation presence in the sector.

Latest Mission Posts

» Back to work

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 8:00pm by Lieutenant Sekat & Captain Jonathan Reynolds


Tap-step. Tap-step.

It was almost a rhythmic sound as the Vulcan emerged from the turbolift. The same rhythm followed, becoming louder as the man in teal approached the command center. Cane in one hand, PADD in the other, he bee-lined for the command chair. "Captain Reynolds? I am Sekat,…

» Back in the saddle again

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Jayden McVey


Jon had spent far too long on this station. Yes he was all healed. Well physically. Mentally as Liam kept telling him would be an ongoing situation. Yet he was cleared to continue being an officer in star fleet.

He had enjoyed the time getting to see his brother…

» Spartan comforts

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Lieutenant Sekat

Sekat had yet to meet with his new superiors, having decided to check out his new work space and private quarters first. Between this assignment and his last on SB21, the Vulcan had used a few months of gathered leave to get some time for himself. This, he had spent…

» Captive

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 1:41pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds


"What's that quaint Earth nursery rhyme... And as you only have three left" Arjyn whispered to the three remaining toes as she pointed the curved knife with a serrated edge at each one in turn.

"Ah, thats it... Three little pigs. The wolf huffed, and he puffed and he…