Welcome to the USS Tsiolkovsky!

Welcome to the USS Tsiolkovsky. We are a Luna class ship under the command of Captain Jonathan Reynolds currently exploring beyond the Briar patch into uncharted territory in the Beta Quadrant.

The ship is currently assigned to Federation Star base 21/Styx Station within the 16th Fleet.

The year is 2401 and along the USS Merlin, the ship is the only real presence additional to the growing station as Federation presence in the sector.

Latest Mission Posts

» The stage is set

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 9:48pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds


Vice Chancellor Aysim looked annoyed at his privy counsel. "I knew holding those scientists would backfire on us. You assured me that an appropriate alibi would be leaked to the Federation. Yet now they come."

"My liege we leaked stories of abduction in the crossroads. But that bar owner,…

» Taking a tour - Security

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 1:07pm by Lieutenant JG Tyv th'Qarret & Captain Jonathan Reynolds


"Captain on deck," a startled Ensign said suddenly spotting Jon.

"At ease Ensign. Relax before you sprain something. Where is your boss?" Jon asked.

He knew he was likely to report in officially to the bridge but Jon was getting the lay of the land on his new ship…

» Unus Fit Multi

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2025 @ 8:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Arjin Saar & Lieutenant Sekat & Ty'Zan Rohn

The day had started like many others, bird song, sun light breaking through the blinds gently waking him from his slumber. The sound of the market a little further down the street, traders setting up their stalls to begin the days trading. In many ways M’Talas Prime was very much…

» Staff briefing - what's the Nen with you?

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 @ 8:47pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Sekat & Lieutenant Elani th'Anara & Lieutenant JG Tyv th'Qarret & Lieutenant JG Rie Takagi


Jon was first in the room, sat at the table supping a cup of tea. Infront of him was a bigger version of the holographic display in his ready room and he had Nen prime up. He was zooming in and looking at the second continent Itte as he…

» Medical

Mission: Mission 1 - Half and half doesn't always make one
Posted on Mon Jan 6th, 2025 @ 8:28pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Sekat


Jon walked into sickbay exactly half and hour after having seen his new CMO. Finding the nearest person in blue uniform he said, "Im here for my medical."

"Doctor's over there," the blue uniform answered, pointing ahead in sickbay, "biobed one, he's expecting you."

"Thank you," Jon said making…